Funny Enough (Official Music Video)
Many of us have been on different roads this year, 2020 has proven to be a difficult time for every one of us. Some of us have been on the front lines, some have been living life as normal, some of us have been sheltering inside alone, and some of us are fighting just to survive.
I am honored to share the official music video of "Funny Enough", a song I worked on with Jordan Asher Huffman and produced. We both feel this song speaks to the times. The message we would like to convey is that you are loved, you matter, and we are all in this together.
#funnyenough #jordanasherhuffman #alanparsons #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #newmusic #newartist #staysafe #loveislove #2020 #suicideprevention #love #loveeachother #youmatter #together